January 24, 2011

Shopping Challenges

Sigh.  I was so excited to buy fabric and a new pattern at the quilt show yesterday in addition to a few bits to add to the stash.  I opened the bundled collection today to read the instruction packet for the quilt, but it's for the wrong quilt design!  The shop doesn't have a web site or email address, so I've got to call and try to weasel the right pattern out of them over the phone.  I should wait a day or so.  I imagine anyone I might catch today might not have had much sleep after having to pack up from the quilt show yesterday and be in the mood for such a call.  I should have this ironed out by the time I finish the current project.

1 comment:

  1. Although I do not quilt I love buying the fabrics the colours always seem some tempting.
