August 30, 2010

Taking the Big Step

I did it.  I mailed the canvases to the Art House.  It's the first time in my life that I've done something like this and I have such an overwhelming sense of it being OK and not getting an ulcer.  This is very exciting!

Contributors to this project were informed that if the pieces were going to be made available for purchase, the artist must include a price on the back of each canvas.  I was just going to include the postage required to have them sent back, but my son insisted that I try to sell them.  He reprimanded me when I suggested no one would actually BUY one.  In order to take that one additional step out of the comfort zone, I went ahead and put a price on each painting.  We'll see, eh?

This wasn't so bad, this business of pushing myself to do something new and different.  I had to give myself quite the wedgie with my big girl pants to get up the courage, but I survived. 

Next, it's time to work on the figurative pieces for the Boys & Girls Club auction.  Of course, after I do a load of laundry and make sure the weasel's back pack doesn't have some disgusting remnant of lunch from the last school year buried in its nooks or crannies as we start the new school year.  Yuck.