September 10, 2010

Cat Barf-o-Rama

Do we capitalize the "R" in "Rama?"

This week I realized how close I am to the deadline for the art due for the Boys & Girls Club holiday auction.  However, I've been a bit distracted by my cat Sox's barf fest.  After 24 hours of yacking (over a holiday weekend with no vet available for less than the price of a small child), I managed to shove his feisty behind in the (smallest EVER) cat carrier.  The vet suggested that considering everything else is fine - he has no fever, the plumbing isn't backed up - he may have simply consumed a "bad spider."  What's a good spider?  I'm sitting there thinking the cat earns his keep by eating spiders, crickets and other flying and jumping kitty croutons.  Who is this vet to suggest that any of these items is inappropriate for kitty consumption?  Clearly, he's just mad as a hatter and lacks ANY sense of humour.  Sense of humour should be an aboslute prerequisite to admission to vet school.  My backup vet is not my favourite guy in the world.

So I spent two days with the carpet cleaner, sucking up cat yack.  I gave up on the inadequate carpet shampoo and loaded that puppy with Tide and Clorox II.  Mission accomplished.  I now have weekend time to pull off a miracle and whoop up some impressive art in just a few days.

Dumb cat.