October 18, 2010

When at first you don't succeed....

I sculpt, then I smoosh, then I sculpt and smoosh it again.  For two days I've been working on the same piece.  The clay has been behaving oddly, I'm finding colour on my hands (panic!) that I can't figure out the source and have re-sculpted the mouth over and over and over again.  At one point, the face looked more like a skull in a Nazi officer cap.  Then it looked like a bug, followed by someone whose lips puffed up due to some horrific allergic reaction.  I've pulled out my "How to sculpt a face" book, watched a few videos on line (thank goodness for the pause button), and looked at other work just to try to get the basics right.  I am not attempting realistic, just recognizable. 

The face is finally finished.  My problem now is that this piece is looking just too much like a previous work.  It didn't start out that way, but is certainly headed down that path.  Deadlines are not always good for art.

This go round I have enjoyed working more than I did even a week ago.  Turning off the phone, television and shutting down Facebook helped.  Playing the Gregorian Monks was very relaxing, though may be a contributing factor in terms of the macabre appearance.  Hmmm, not sure why one should follow the other.  While this work is a little dark in terms of mood, it feels comfortable.  After I get the oven cleaned (homemade pizza is messy) and can fire the clay, I can move on to the next step.  We'll see how it comes out.