September 25, 2008


I got married right out of high school and just three months after I turned 18. I have been a working wife and eventually mother for most of these years. I put my husband through graduate school, the benefits of which we reap together and for which I have no regrets. I took a few chunks of time to step out of the suit world and played Betty Crocker - I was a Girl Scout leader and camped (camping is dirty and has bugs!) because my daughter wanted to be a Girl Scout, I followed trains (it took the engineer a couple of intersections before he realized he was being followed) because my son loves trains, decorated the house like crazy for the holidays and put an end to celebrating major holidays away from home so the kids could enjoy them more, and I have always tried to make the kids' (and husband's) friends feel welcome in our house. I'm not sure the kids see history through the same coloured glasses that I do. I think I've been a hard parent, always the disciplinarian while Dad got to be the friend. I view my job of teaching them to be fully functioning and independent adults as my primary job and my methods, having had such a glorious example of what NOT to do growing up, have not always been wise or helpful. How I wish I could turn back the clock and do it again, better...

So I'm starting off with a blog while I work through my demons. How many times will I backspace and edit before I'm bold enough to select "Publish Post?"

Step one.

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