November 7, 2008

"About Me" is never quite right.

I found a couple of old entries from my first sad attempt at a blog and imported them so that I didn't lose the memories. I'm getting older and this is becoming an increasing worry.

I'm never happy with the content of the "About Me" section. Reading it again got me thinking about everyone who puts so much of themselves on these sites. Who is really going to read this stuff? I started thinking about what I would put down in words, were there no limit to the number of words and no one I know reading them, to describe myself really honestly. Honesty blows sometimes, but I'm going to try.

What would friends or family say about me? I think all of my friends and family would say that I'm really funny (OK, not here, but in real life!), creative, really happy about helping other people just for the sake of helping, and a hard worker. I believe there is a huge difference between "I can't" and "I'm not willing to bother long or hard enough to figure it out." If I could teach myself how to install electrical outlets, hardwire light fixtures and replace damaged subfloor, underlayment and vinyl flooring, why could no one in the office figure out how to get paper unjammed in the copier? When my husband decided he wanted to go to Paris for his big birthday trip, I learned as much French as I could cram in my head in two months and did quite nicely (even complimented by the owner of the most shishi restaurant in Paris). I am the queen of common sense, problem solving and driving shortcuts. I'm religious about following road rules - I'll stop at a red light on a one way street in the Mojave Desert at 3 a.m. regardless of any witnesses. I go privately berzerk over bad drivers and people who break driving laws. I am polite and wish more people had good manners. I talk too much. Way too much. I'm amusing, but I still talk too much. And I'm much too verbose in my writing as well, but I'm doing this for me so I'm not going to care or hold back! My best friends and children would agree completely. I live for the holidays, decorating every square inch of my house. There are not enough of those jello-like window clings for my house!

If I'm going to be entirely honest about myself, I must admit that I have little patience for people who don't do things the way I believe is right. It's hard not to say "I told you so!" when I have the opportunity. Argh! I am annoyed with having to say the same thing four times because no one listened the first three times I said it in a normal volume. Why does the husband who complains about always hitting all the lights red insist on taking the route with the most traffic lights? I am listening to my son with his trumpet tutor, who still thinks it's funny to sound like an elephant in a Disney cartoon. I'm grumpy.

I've rambled. I think it's a ploy to avoid the grocery store. This is much easier, and there's no mess to clean up afterward. Alas, I must cook so that they don't die...

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