March 27, 2009

How to create more free time for art

1. Wash the same load of laundry a couple of times. It takes less time than folding all of those stupid cloth napkins we insist on using. The house will smell great, and everyone will think you've been working really, really hard.
2. When you do finish the laundry, give someone ALL of the socks. They can fight over them later and you save yourself the time to sort.
3. For really cluttered rooms, grab a cardboard box and a tape gun. It's amazing how clean it looks when you grab everything, shove it in a box, tape that puppy shut and drag it to the garage. To heck with the contents.
4. When solicitors call, just answer the phone and set it down in front of Sponge Bob or some other cartoon. The solicitor is tied up and your phone won't ring for a while.
5. There's ALWAYS more room under the bed for one more thing you don't want to look at and can't think of anywhere else to put it.
6. Kids room a mess? I get a broom, sweep it all in a pile and shove it in a garbage bag. They can sort it, or I can toss it. It saves us all hours.
7. There's really no such thing as something that's not dishwasher safe if you hate washing dishes.

Time to paint! :-)

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