April 8, 2009

Signing up for art classes at an upcoming quilt show (not quilting classes!) was surprisingly hard for me. It meant going public about taking art seriously, for which I continue to feel a bit of a fraud. Sheesh, will I ever get past this??? There will certainly be others with little to no previous instruction, and it certainly wasn't unreasonable to sign up for a class described as appropriate for all experience levels. Yesterday the confirmation for my spot in these two classes arrived, along with my name tag and directions on finding the class. Reality strikes. I've always told my kids when they were at that awkward self-conscious stage that they aren't so interesting as to command the attention of every passerby. I should be taking my own advice. The instructor is published, making the whole experience a bit more intimidating, but exciting. I will finally be able to acquire advice and direction that will let me take my own art a step further. Yeah!

With my studio finished, I find myself just stuck. I feel the way I recall reading that kids with ADD and ADHD feel- there are a million thoughts and ideas swirling simultaneously in my head, but instead of being inspired to act on any one of those thoughts or ideas, I feel more like a deer in headlights. Time to work on that too. One of my art books included a suggestion to just do one little project a day, trying techniques as opposed to trying to create a masterpiece. It couldn't hurt.

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