May 7, 2009

My first ATC!

OK, there's a lot to learn. I've read books and blogs and web sites about this stuff, but clearly missed the chapter on the ATC warping! I have so much to learn. The message that I heard loud and clear (as I last posted) about DOING art and not just talking about it motivated me. This first ATC was an experiment with gel medium, paper scraps I had on hand and a photo of my grandmother printed on plain old paper on my HP printer. The photo was taken when she was 13 years old in 1905. She lost her hearing at age 9 due to a combination of illnesses that occurred simultaneously, including scarlet fever. I was always amazed as a child that while she couldn't hear the doorbell, she always knew (from another room!) when we were banging on the piano or playing chase in the house. She read lips and spoke clearly, so people didn't know that she was hearing impaired. I always wondered what it must have been like to be able to hear until you are 9, then never hear music or the minister's words at your own wedding, or the voices of your seven children.

While this is a wickedly rough start with a new type of art project for me, I'm going to continue to play with the zillions of things I can use to make ATC's just for fun. The stash I have of old family photos and newspaper clippings should keep me busy for quite a while.

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