January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Time for resolutions! I'm very excited because I actually have new goals for the new year with respect to my art. I want to have a few pieces together by March 1st and will set up a schedule for studio time. I will set up shop at Etsy when I have four pieces complete (unless they have rules that I must have more). I have a goal of participating in at least one publication's call for a swap. I noticed that Cloth Paper Scissors has a call for inspirational/motivational postcards. The entry fee is only $5, and they will publish images of some of the pieces. I figure it's worth a try. The call isn't terrifically inspirational in the sense that it's all about creating a postcard, but I really want to try to push myself to try new things and get myself outside the comfort of the walls of the house. This could be fun! If nothing else, the theme of something inspirational (in the sense of being inspired to be creative) can help me kick my own behind and be self motivating. This is a good thing.

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