June 30, 2010

Thinking at the Round Table

The art part of life:  I'm so grateful for the help and direction I'm getting from my cyber-friend and mentor Debbie (even when Debbie isn't reading this!).  As is obvious in my previous blog posts, I can really ramble and go a million different directions at the same time!  This wandering of the mind makes me wonder if my charming son didn't get his ADHD from my side of the family.  Like having too many cooks in the kitchen, I just have too many ideas in my head and on my desk at the same time.  It is so easy to stop working and keep going back to reference books for that perfect idea to get us going instead of just making art.  It helps to have someone gently push me not just to get back on track, but to think about the track or path I want to be on while I work.  This is the most focused I've felt in a long time.  Art today feels like a fun project, not a stress-filled deadline, real or self-imposed.  

The mom part of life:  I think Kevin is coming down with a cold.  He is so determined to have a friend sleep over on Friday so they can stay up like sleepless zombies playing World of Warcraft, that he's coming up with the silliest reasons for all of his sneezing (I've nearly lost a window or two) and sniffles.  The story last night was that he doesn't have a pillow case on one of his feather pillows that he slept with the day before and the feathers have, after several years of sleeping on feather pillows, triggered a reaction when used without said pillowcase.  Yeah.  Right.  He should be very, very worried if he thinks he is his most brilliant at 15 and we just get more dopey as we get older.  I'm so grateful that I no longer have to stress between monstrous office obligations and deadlines and a child of any age home sick.  I was lucky to have bosses that let me bring work home when I could under such circumstances, but it was still hard. 

Being a mom and artist is good.  As unbalanced as life can be some days, I'm happy to be where I am in life.  Great family, lovely home, good friends, fun cats and a studio.  Oh, and coffee.  Is there anything more important? :-)

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