July 19, 2010

Scary days

I woke up in the middle of the night with the most wretched pain in my jaw, both top and bottom of the left side.   It came and went, and when it came, it hit hard.  I managed to get in to see my most fabulous dentist, and got a little weepy as I told him that I knew jaw pain could be symptomatic of a heart attack in women.  My father had his first heart attack when he was two years younger than I am now, followed by a cardiac arrest years later that have left him a very sad, lost man.  I advised Dr. Greg that I would like very much for him to find an abscess or cavity or some other explanation for the jaw pain that would be dental in nature vs. just plain medical.  Alas, all looks good on the dental front.  Who in their right mind is UNhappy not to have a dental emergency?!?  He bounced a few ideas off of me regarding medications I'm taking and possible side effects, and made a couple of suggestions including going back tomorrow for a cleaning and a follow up to see if I'm any better.  In the meantime, I know I've got to see my PCP and give him yet another nudge to help me make sure my heart is OK so that I can continue to try to shed this useless caboose that my knees are tired of holding up and get healthier.  I'm frustrated with feeling blown by doctors off given my family history.  Harrumph.

I actually managed to remember to shove the current art doll project in my purse as I'd promised the dentist's staff that I'd show them how I'm using the tools they give me the next time I came in to the office.  The reaction was less than enthusiastic, but I was OK this time.  Maybe I AM developing a little thicker skin!  Someone asked me if it was crafted after Voldemort of the most recent Harry Potter movies.  I made the head a couple of years ago, so it most definitely was not even influenced by that character, and I was even a little annoyed at the question.  Maybe my skin isn't quite thick enough ;-)  Oh well, I'm still OK with the wrinkled noses and the pause before their comments.  I'll be they all have white walls in their houses and silk flowers.  Ha ha!

Being a brat is so cathartic.

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