August 25, 2010

Fighting with Art Supplies & Deadlines

The lid to one of my glass bottles of liquid acrylic is sealed shut.  Seriously sealed.  I used it only one time and thought I was really good about keeping the mouth of the bottle clean.  This stuff sticks!  Sigh.

I've nearly finished the second of the three canvases for my project.  I like this one.  There are some challenges like figuring out how I'm going to attach an envelope (vellum or transparent plastic) to a canvas this is almost entirely backed by wood.  This is one of those 3x3 gallery wrapped canvases provided by the art house, so I had no choice in the matter.  I'll figure it out.  It's nice to have that mental challenge as opposed to the usual sitting in the studio with a blank mind.

Tonight, I start on canvas #3.  They have to be postmarked September 1.  The closer I get to the deadline, the sharper I feel my thinking is when it comes to the project ideas.  Years ago I had a boss, the wonderful MaryJane, that teased me about the fact that my work was never closer to flawless than when we were under incredible stress to meet a deadline.  Every now and then when things were slow, she'd stand by my desk and holler, "Hurry!  Hurry!  Hurry!" while whacking on my desk with rolled up paper or something else to make noise.  She'd burst out laughing and chuckle her way back to her office.  Some things never change.  My house never looks better in the blink of an eye than when someone calls and says that they're in the neighborhood and want to stop ten minutes.  I should have more deadlines.  That, or turn off the phone and disconnect the doorbell.  ;-)

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