August 16, 2010

Two Days on Weight Watchers, a million more to go...

The cats better not slow down.  Even the finches on the bird bath are fair game at this point.  I worked out this morning, cursing for most of that time.  I watched a television program about getting fit that I thought would inspire me.  One of the hosts was grunting, groaning and complaining more than me which amused me greatly and reminded me that I'm not alone.  I will never understand people that run long distances or for a long time that aren't being chased by an axe murderer or bribed to do so.  Who really loves this stuff, honestly?  I kept waiting for that endorphine-induced delirously happy mood that I've heard about to kick in.   Someone is a big fat liar.  I zipped along for 2.2 miles on the elliptical and I never felt like a party on the Precor.  Thank goodness for microwave packing material (aka popcorn) and that sprinkly try-to-tell-yourself-it-tastes-like-butter dust I doused it with this afternoon.  Otherwise, I think I'd have resorted to biting my nails and calling it a snack.

Do I sound like a mad woman or what?

OK.  That's it.  That's all the fussing I'm allowing myself.  I am just having a hard time with so many changes at once that I'm distracted from art.  Oooh, and I just saw TWO sticks from lollipops that my son left by the computer.  Ack!!!!

OK, really.  I'm finished.

I have just 15 days to complete my canvas projects and get those bad boys in the mail.  I'm still working on #2 of 3 and am determined to have it finished by Friday at which point I'll post photos.  I was also reminded that I agreed to contribute art to a fundraiser in October, but I'm not terribly worried about meeting that deadline.

Apropos of nothing (but that I mentioned art), I stumbled on this alley in Vancouver, BC on our recent holiday there.  Initially I thought there was just a small mural at the end of the alley, but as I approached to photograph the work, I was startled to see the entire dumpster-filled alley covered with work of various artists.  What a fabulous accidental find!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you make me laugh!!! Hang in there on the WW. It really worked for me! The hunger seemed to subside once I got relaxed with the whole process.

    Mural is so cool. People who are inclined to this "picture thing" sure can add fun to the world.
