September 23, 2010

Being a Mom Stinks Sometimes

When my daughter was still home with us, she and her little brother used to tease me about being like that mom from the TV show, "Malcolm in the Middle."  They'd sit in the back of the car singing the theme song under their breath and laughing.  I am definitely not that bad, but I do have a creative mothering streak.  For example, I find the air horn to be the most wonderful device for stopping a child from sassing, talking back or arguing with me with little more effort than a little press of the finger.

My charming teenage son has a very short and reasonable list of daily chores.  The list has been the same for years now, so imagine my lack of sympathy or understanding when he tells me that he didn't do one or more because he "forgot."  This week he "forgot" to take out the trash when it had shrimp shells in it.  I told him while I was making dinner, again while we were eating dinner, and yet again when he was clearing the table that the trash needed to go out so that the house didn't smell like a neglected fishy funeral home in the morning.  He fussed about possible encounters with the skunk, at which point I reminded him that we have "Skunk Off" should the need arise. 

The next morning I took the little beast to school, came home and stopped in the kitchen.  I noticed a distinct eaux de old shrimp debris.  He didn't take out the trash.  Now I was mad, particularly given that this was a repeat offense.  So I did the only thing any ticked off mom would do.  I took the trash can down the hall, into his room and shut the door.  It was a particularly lovely and warm day here, so it got pretty good and ripe by the time he got home from school.

Now he was mad.  That was OK with me.  I pointed out that since he didn't mind the stench, I was happy to confine it to his little area of the house.  After much fussing and spouting, the trash was taken out, the fan was whipped out and a LOT of air freshener was used down the hall.  I don't think he'll "forget" the trash again.

I pointed out that he should keep in mind the challenges the cats will have accessing their litter box under his bedroom sofa if he "forgets" that task as well.  It could get messy.

Mom wins!

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