September 9, 2010

No Complaining Zone

With a plumbing backup in the kitchen and laundry room, I'm having to stay home and wait for the plumber (my neighbor and the funniest guy I know) instead of going shopping for quilting fabric.  I sat down to look at my calendar and was reminded that later this month, an old friend will be attending the first days of a murder trial.  The victims of this horrible crime were her wonderful son and two darling little grandsons.  The accused, their mother.

Today, I don't have to worry about taking time off of work for the plumber.  I have a studio stuffed to the gills with art supplies.  I have reconnected with a handful of friends.  I am planning my two-week long birthday trip to Hawaii next summer.  I've got the iTunes blaring while I clean up a bit before heading into the studio. 

It's so very easy to forget about keeping life in perspective and really, truly appreciate every day.  I am humbled by my friend Jan's strength, by her determination to get through life while bearing this unimaginable never-ending emotional burden.  If life throws me a curve ball like blocked plumbing, I will celebrate that this is the biggest challenge I face today.  I'm going to feed the birds and not yell at the morning doves that can't grasp the fact that I've reminded them it's FINCH food and they aren't finches.  I'm going to get the sidewalk chalk and draw a silly something on the cinderblock wall to improve the view out my studio window.  I'm going to chuckle every time I hear the little neighbor girl's high pitched scream (she really is funny, and I can't figure out why she does it so many times a day).  I'm going to hug my son this afternoon when he makes me grumpy.  He's 15.  He WILL make me grumpy about something, but I'll still have him here to hug and tease.

Another day in the "No Complaining" zone.  Time to make some art.

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