October 7, 2010


After feeling incredible pressure to be creative on a time schedule and sharing my thoughts (not often enough) with my cyber support team, I feel like I've had a breakthrough.  I stopped looking at my library of "how to" books and just started working on images to use in my project.  I don't know why, but I had an epiphany about the next step this afternoon and am ready to crank!  I'm going to use a new technique (OK, I got the idea from one of my books on paper cloth, but I haven't looked at it for months).  I'm actually looking forward to the next few days.

What a relief.

1 comment:

  1. I am so, so pleased for you. It's true,you can't do one thing to generate "creative thought". It just seems to come out of "left field" sometimes. But, I do know that if you are trying to force and muscle the ideas, the farther away the answers seem to be. Yet, when you get into the act and love of creating ... all of a sudden, all sorts of light bulbs and lights often will go off! Yea, so glad you are finding fun in the midst of pressure!
