December 13, 2010

Overwhelmed and Unproductive

Haven't I said this before?  I commit to too much, wear myself to a frazzle, then retreat! Retreat! for a while.  I know the grammar and punctuation are criminal, but I made my point.

After finishing the last art doll, I just wanted to have fun.  I got a bee in my bonnet about making a quilt and started putting it together.  Sewing remains the most cathartic thing in the world for me, but I'm just killing myself trying to make time for everything.  I've been on Weight Watchers since August now and find that the whole process of losing weight takes time.  It takes time to calculate the food stuff since they changed the freakin' frackin' program on me, it takes time to work out (then there's the recovery, shower, etc.) and then there's the craziness that comes with the holidays and my son's birthday all wrapped into one.  I have purchased exactly two presents.  Oh, and then there's the high school band stuff, the friends visiting from out of town and staying here (in the studio, to be precise, and I love having her), but OMG!  Stress alert!  I'm babbling again.

Now that I've vented, it's time to come up with a plan and a schedule and shut down the whining.  I may not get the quilts finished in time for Xmas, but I will get them done and will enjoy doing it.  I may decide not to do the sketchbook project I signed up for because I don't sketch and the failure is more stressful!  I'll doodle and keep it and be happy for the relaxed doodling time.  I'll reread Debbie's posts and chill.  Time to put a little more fun back into life this week.  My husband and I have recommitted to entertaining again (one creative grownup party this last week, the high school trumpeters party here this coming weekend) and rebuilding friendships that we were letting fall by the wayside.  I'll find the balance.  Really!

OK, I feel better.

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