February 8, 2010

Back in the saddle

Artist's Life: Today I spent a lot of time in the studio. I started the first step of a new art doll, though I need to get more clay. Keeping my sketch book on the desk has turned out to be a good and helpful move - when I come up with an idea for a project other than the one I'm working on (my brain can't seem to focus on one thing at a time), I can jot down a word or two to remind me of the idea. I'm still plotting along on the pendant project and am quickly running out of time. I need to give myself a deadline. A former boss once told me that I worked so much better under pressure, so every now and then she'd just stand by my desk and yell, "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" and laugh before she got nailed by whatever I had handy to throw at her. I miss Mary Jane. I will give myself one full week (taking into account the four days I have to get ready for a party - they don't count). Ugh, now I've GOT to get it done. I will post a photo by next Friday. There, it's done. I'll embarrass myself wildly if I don't meet the goal.

Mom's Life: My son has his first girlfriend. I'm trying to be the cool mom, but it's hard. They are so different. She was telling me at lunch about getting into fights at school because someone called her "chicken" and she was going to prove she wasn't by slapping the other girl...way out of my experience as a mom. I'm feeling like a snob and trying to stop. They're just kids, not engaged. That will be my mantra this week.

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