February 3, 2010

Silly family

My husband's nephew is one of my favorite people in the world. When I was first married, he was just a kid that teased about my engagement ring being just so SMALL (he was right and my husband has fixed that little problem :-) He was ten and I was 18, but the age gap seemed huge. We lived near each other for a year, then both moved, leaving us on opposite coasts. For years, we had very little contact. Not by conscious choice, but I think it was just laziness and distraction (grad school, babies, always moving). I can't pinpoint how or when it changed (probably when he married the fabulous Marcia), but I'm so glad it did. Reflecting on earlier posts, I am reminded to appreciate the good stuff in life. Travis is one of those good things. No one can tell a nastier joke and make me laugh so hard, no one I know is as brutally honest but still a keeper. He loves my kids and they think the world of their oldest cousin. We don't love the same bands, we don't share any hobbies (barely on the same planet, we're so different), he loves dogs while I love cats, and he'll never, ever be able to talk as much as me even if he tried. I'm truly hard to beat - ha. Oh, and he totally stinks at playing slug bug because he can't accept that his rules are wrong. I love giving him a hard time about that. I don't know why I felt to write about him today, but I feel good sharing. I hope everyone has such a clown in their lives. You rock, Sucky!

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