February 1, 2010

There's so much stuff in the studio!

The Artist's Life: I figured that the only way I was going to get anything done was to just go in the studio, shut the door, pick up something, anything, and start using whatever I picked up. With no formal training, I really define the term self taught. So I decided to play with watercolor pencils and combined a little leaf. It's not as easy as it looks! Using a scrap of old textured water color paper, I scribbled, dampened, dried (I cheat and use one of those heating tools for embossing because I am the queen of impatient), scribbled and watered down some more, then applied multi-coloured leafing material. None of it is beautiful, but I had fun just playing. This experiment has inspired me to do more of this every day - just pull open a drawer or get into the closet, grab material and do what I can with it.

The Mom Life: Kevin was moaning and groaning this morning about feeling nauseous. I asked if he felt he needed to stay home from school, and he said yes. He has snuck into the kitchen two times now, telling me he feels "barfy," but that he's also hungry. Me thinks perhaps someone is enjoying a ditch day after the stress of finals more than someone is sick, the big fibber dog. He worked hard last week, struggling with a pretty miserable head cold and impacted sinuses during finals week, so I'll give him the "stay home" pass this once. I've suggested he doesn't need to moan any more, particularly after asking me if he's allowed to play video games. Puh-leeze.

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