June 16, 2010

My blog title says it all...

The only thing I've done in my studio in the last week is sleep (someone snores!).  I have been good about carrying around my sketch book and actually sketching, and I did play a little with my pretend Picasso painting (we're joking it and calling it the Licasso...Linda, Picasso :-) but I fear I've made it worse instead of better.  I guess that's what practice is for, eh?

This has been a week of being one seriously cranky momma.  Kevin's ADHD seems to go into higher gear when he's under stress or pressure.  While he has two finals a day (thank HEAVENS for block scheduling), he was constantly stepping outside to dig in the dirt or put up a few decorations for the big pool party this weekend - anything but study.  You know things are bad when the purchase I'm most excited about isn't the great decorations or the perfect tiki designed paper goods, but the air horn.  Two, in fact.  Kevin sassed me that afternoon, and I wonked away.  Oh, it was glorious!  I didn't have to argue or get into it with him and it is so very satisfying.  I would recommend this for every mother of a teen. 

I've got to channel Mary Poppins or Spongebob Squarepants or someone more cheery than myself to get through the summer without becoming homicidal or just flat out bonkers.

Focus on the positive!  With the change in some of our summer plans, I am going to be able to attend the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach again.  I love going there for the amazing inspiration provided by these incredible artists!  While plans changed too late to be able to take a class, I may be able to squeak into a  workshop.  If nothing else, they have an ATC trading wall for anyone that wants to swap.  How fun!

That's it.  I'm finished grumping.  Really.  ;-)

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